Following is a brief description of how I followed up with proxy
11:45 am: At home, I cleared the setting in Dropbox preference for proxy setting. Then it worked. Now back in the office I put those manually. And Dropbox started to work again.
11:50 am: Chromium is not working. So what I do is
sudo vim /etc/chromium-browser/default
#Add proxy server detais in the following form
export http_proxy="http://rushadf:0302@127.0.01:3128/"
What I do is just remove the '#' sign to uncomment "export....." command. But chromium is still not working.
12:01 am: Now I start following the instruction from the last post to see whether it make any changes. But before that let me see whether I can get synaptic to work in here.
12:06 pm: Got Synaptic to work just fine. Just manually entered proxy information in Synaptic Preference and it worked just fine. But strange apt-get does not work.
12:11pm: Now let's follow the instructions from here:
Add your proxy server details in the following format
Chromium browser works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12:35 PM update: Chromium browser is not actually working. I just got fooled by the appearance of the website from the tabs. But whenever I put a new link or address they won't work.
Now let's check whether apt-get works or not. "apt-get" is still not working. What we do now?
12:25 pm: Let's try this tip from the same source as above:
Some releases sudo is configured in such a way that all environment variables all cleared when running the command. To keep the value for your http_proxy and fix this, you need to edit /etc/sudoers, run:
Then find a line that states:
and add this after it:
12:29 pm: I just check to see what's the output of this command: echo $http_proxy
It returns a blank line.
12:39 pm: Now this is really strange. When comment out the "Defaults env_keep = "http_proxy ftp_proxy" command, the chromium browser works back again. That's weird!
"apt-get" is still not working.
12:47 PM : Well, apt-get finally works after I remove the "#" from the /etc/apt/apt.conf file in front of the following that starts like "Acquire::http::Proxy "http://rushadf:0302@";
Seems like everything is working now again in the proxy setting.
To sum it up: To set the proxy work which is behind an ISA server what I do is the following from this site:
Install cntlm and follow the instructions from the above site up to 1.4. Now to set-up proxy for different programs, I just repeat from the beginning what I have done today.
11:45 am: At home, I cleared the setting in Dropbox preference for proxy setting. Then it worked. Now back in the office I put those manually. And Dropbox started to work again.
11:50 am: Chromium is not working. So what I do is
sudo vim /etc/chromium-browser/default
#Add proxy server detais in the following form
export http_proxy="http://rushadf:0302@127.0.01:3128/"
What I do is just remove the '#' sign to uncomment "export....." command. But chromium is still not working.
12:01 am: Now I start following the instruction from the last post to see whether it make any changes. But before that let me see whether I can get synaptic to work in here.
12:06 pm: Got Synaptic to work just fine. Just manually entered proxy information in Synaptic Preference and it worked just fine. But strange apt-get does not work.
12:11pm: Now let's follow the instructions from here:
sudo vi /etc/bash.bashr
Add your proxy server details in the following format
export http_proxy="http://username:password@proxyhost:port/"Since I already worked on this yesterday, I had those commented out when I got home. Now I uncomment those and they work just fine.
export ftp_proxy="http://username:password@proxyhost:port/"
Chromium browser works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12:35 PM update: Chromium browser is not actually working. I just got fooled by the appearance of the website from the tabs. But whenever I put a new link or address they won't work.
Now let's check whether apt-get works or not. "apt-get" is still not working. What we do now?
12:25 pm: Let's try this tip from the same source as above:
Some releases sudo is configured in such a way that all environment variables all cleared when running the command. To keep the value for your http_proxy and fix this, you need to edit /etc/sudoers, run:
Then find a line that states:
Defaults env_reset
and add this after it:
Defaults env_keep = "http_proxy ftp_proxy"Nah! apt-get is still not working. What to do now?
12:29 pm: I just check to see what's the output of this command: echo $http_proxy
It returns a blank line.
12:39 pm: Now this is really strange. When comment out the "Defaults env_keep = "http_proxy ftp_proxy" command, the chromium browser works back again. That's weird!
"apt-get" is still not working.
12:47 PM : Well, apt-get finally works after I remove the "#" from the /etc/apt/apt.conf file in front of the following that starts like "Acquire::http::Proxy "http://rushadf:0302@";
Seems like everything is working now again in the proxy setting.
To sum it up: To set the proxy work which is behind an ISA server what I do is the following from this site:
Install cntlm and follow the instructions from the above site up to 1.4. Now to set-up proxy for different programs, I just repeat from the beginning what I have done today.